Tuesday, July 5, 2022
led samsung ,main board ics messurment
ic904 ap7173
in 3.3 on pin 1&2 output 2.5 on pin 9 &10
7&8 vst 3.3 ic401
ic 902 1.2 volt ic 709 ts3431 ilt
((t 910 pin 3 is on off pin 6 is 12 v )
(ic903 t904 pin 2 vcc5 pin 3 5v2 stby )
( ic502 AP2171M PIN 5 5V2 PIN 2 GND PIN 4 ENABLE )
(IC6 STM8095 PIN 1GND 2 RESET 3 3.3V
( D5 GS1M INPUT 3.3 OUT 2.5 )
(IC 901 1.8 OK IC3 8HAH )
panel ity400hm09
tsl 24835
amlco lqf6041t0b-04
sm4109-dc /dc/ converter
stvp -12 ckv from 1-4 equal 8 v
max 17108
sumv59 ms important volt for operation
pin 115 reset hw
pin 5 3.3 v
pin 13pin 27 pin 60 1.2 v
pin 21 3.3 stb
pin 34 3.3 stby
pin 52 avdd stb 3.3v
pin 51 and 59 3.3 v pin
103 power on
pin105 pwm 1
pin 106 pwm 2
pim 132 test mode i think for test three color red green blue in case of short line or more lvds line short togather or with ground the cpu stop lvds signal and active this pin to make the panel work on test mode depend on epprom program saved in eeprom
plasma transistor ijpt with board name
to 220 n mosfet 60v 49-160 a ar 49 avalancded current diode
irfp045 60v 57 amp n cn
IRFP260 n mosfet 200 amp 200 v 300 w to 247
43fvybm2 layer
rfus14 kf9n25
tjpf30n43p (3d17fs tmd113 3n50) (1d25au fgd 4536)
rjp63k2 (sf10a400hd) ( kf9n25 ) (panasonic an16638a )
rfu20 tf5s
ssh20p035fb g416
(auk c3225 smk 1625 ) (1d04a fgp4636 )
(30j127 ) (rfsu10 tfsu ) (pansonic an16538a )
( 3a04fs tmd 867 5n50 ) (kf9n25 ) (snk 1820 308 )
y (30g124 ) (rjp63k2 ) (rfsu10 tfus) (rfu20 tfs5 )
ta759b a5 -1c00pa
(fbri 737 ) (aukb1b01 10a400h ) (rf1501 ) (auk 41c12 smk 1820 )
(30g124 ) (1b47bx fgpf 4536 ) (auk61b01 sf10a400 )
(rjp 30e2 )
s board l34-09478a 42 dhx main
rjp30h1 (sf5a400hd ) (d3n50 ) ( smk630 ) (rjp30h1) (sfa100 h)
(30g124) (rfsu 100 )
ta759b a3 19d31y ba43 lj41-09422a
(auk sf10a400) 30g124 (1b27et fgpf 4536)
(1b25ee4 fgpf4536 )
lg41-102 b2a
auk as1c06 smk (auk31b01 sf10a400 ) (1b47bbfgpf4536)
( rjp63k2 ) *(rfx10tf6s) diode
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